Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela-1918-2013--Loss of A Great Leader...

Today, December 5, 2013 South Africa President, Nelson Mandela died peacefully at his home in Johannesburg surrounded by family. President Mandela was 95 years old. In 1963, He was imprisoned for 27 years after being charged, a militant for his views of non-violence and Apartheid. He's been called, "The President of the Country." In 1990 he was freed from prison and came out a new man with new ideas. He has been touted as being a "Towering figure of the 20th Century." In 1994 President Mandela was, the first elected Democratic President in South Africa, and also the first black to ever hold this office. He persuaded an entire country to change its mind, therefore he was known as the, "President who founded the Democratic nation." A strong leader and a great man, President Nelson Mandela was loved by people in countries everywhere. He will be mourned by blacks and whites alike. He had many friends. One of whom was Maya Angelou, knew him since 1960, and former President Bill Clinton was a personal friend. He met President Mandela in 1992. "When he could of chosen a policy of separation, he chose a policy of inclusion." In closing, I'd like to say to President Mandela's family that they haven't loss their loved one because they know who he was so, you know where he went. God has been merciful in allowing him to go rest now. No more pain, his battle is over!

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Dangerous spider lurking under the toilet seat in bathrooms

Dangerous spider lurking under the toilet seat in bathrooms
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